written by emptyocean.tez
Chapter 1: The very green Planet Quimiya
The story begins.
We are on earth, our home planet. Trees are green and the sea merges with the horizon. It is a nice world. One day you might settle down and get a Garden. Your eyes wonder to the sky though - what may lie beyond?
You think of your industrial job where you are just one of many. Might there be a different purpose for you out there?
As the sun goes down you notice something gleaming in the distance. You realize that this is strange and unearthly. Did somebody hear your thoughts?
You walk towards the woods and see some kind of Portals. After a short hesitation, you approach.
You gasp as you look into each one of them and see a snippet of the world beyond. Do you enter? Which one to choose? Is there a way back? A feeling tells you to pick the green one. It emits a strange sound but that does not seem to bother you. You remember a conversation with your friends Will and Trinity about sound being underrated.
You enter as your surrounding starts to blur. You get dizzy as the maelstrom pulls you deeper and deeper into something unknown.
You wake up on what feels like sand. You look around and realize you are on a Dune. The sand shimmers in green though. At least the air seems to be breathable.
It is warm but there is a strong wind coming from behind. You turn around and see rain approaching. You don´t feel like getting wet so you head for the city in the distance.
As you walk you notice strange creatures. They look like caterpillars, only much bigger. The green colour makes you think they are poisonous. One leaps at you and you start to run.
Not looking at where you are going you bump into something and fall to the ground. It is an Ape-like being with a peculiar hat and glasses that reflect the omnipotent green light.
He seems to be in a hurry as he hastily picks you up and tells you to tag along. He doesn´t seem to bother that you look different and introduces himself as Littlesilver. He tells you that you cannot be here when the rain comes - you are glad you didn´t want to get wet earlier. As this Ape seems rather friendly, you try to keep up with him while running towards the city.
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Entering the city bounds you look up and see a hologram of a face. In a loud voice it tells everybody to seek shelter immediately.
You look to Littlesilver who has already boarded a space-ship nearby. He gestures you to hop on. You force yourself to move forward and enter the ship.
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Mere seconds after boarding, you take off. All you can see it the green light shining through the large Windows.
After a brief ascend you approach them and stare into the universe. You can see the planet you just came from with several green lit moons.
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You start to talk to Littlesilver. You learn that he is a fx-Ape, a species of collectors who travel the galaxy in search for rare gems. He offers to help you find a safe planet and points towards a board computer. You can spot the green planet you just came from "Quimiya" and a note below stating "Mining planet, unsafe environment". Three others are also shown, each of them marked as members of the federation.
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Littlesilver clicks one one of them and the computer shows a Map illustrating the planets history. With interest you read the details but cannot fully process anything. You didn´t even have time to reflect on what just happened. How would you be able to choose where to go next? What would you do there? Hunt for gems too?
To be continued...