fx(hash) undercurrents: BINGO, by rudxane
written by NftEconomist
Whenever you browse through a collection of fx(hash) OGs, you’re bound to find quite a bunch of rudxane’s BINGOs. This was not due to the small number of art projects on fx(hash) at that time or the low mint price: rudxane released his genesis project BINGO on November 10, 2021 for only 0.25 tez. The accumulation of “BINGO” in fx(hash) OG accounts occurred because the probability of an iteration with the most desired feature “negative-true” was set at 10%. Thus, minting a “negative BINGO” has quickly become the most popular game of the early fx(hash) community, creating a lot of fun in the discord. Having this little bit of historical context only adds to the appeal of the art project, which is already intriguing by itself.
BINGO is designed, as described by the artist, “as a series of random generated “bingo” cards, language unknown”.
A viewer may associate different images and languages when looking at these futuristic BINGO cards. Longtime BINGO has been overlooked and only has been given more attention with rudxane’s release of Tych, another very successful generative art project with related concept and aesthetics. Both art projects share rudxane’s unique artistic signature and raise hopes for further intriguing artwork to come.
Today, at its first anniversary, BINGO has one of the lowest ratios of secondary market listings relative to collection size. To me, this metric signals collectors are holding tightly to rudxane's fx(hash) genesis and value its place as one of the platform’s first projects.
Is it a game, an indecipherable readout, or a story from rudxane’s vast and intriguing world of generative art? One never knows what these encrypted messages might say. Maybe one day rudxane will share with us their secret.
Original article on Medium.
Editorial for tender.art.
Author’s disclosure: I’m a collector and community member at fx(hash) and have BINGO and other rudxane NFTs in my collection.