Five Tez Feminism
written by Rosey Wynn
Women make up half of all the artists in the world, but we are often paid the least. Tezos is unique because it is accessible for women around the world to mint and sell their art to a global audience.
And yet, even in the most accessible of markets - we face being tokenized, objectified, and desired solely for our bodies rather than our artwork.
So where is the corner where we can just put our feet up and relax? Glow, even. And be paid for our work.
Five Tez Feminism highlights the ability to support women artists even for fractions of a dollar. Some artists achieve widespread fame and accolades, while others are out here grinding: selling gifs for $1.
We celebrate all of us.
This collection follows the arc of a new artist. The collection feels bold from the beginning with Patterns on Mars Surface #26, a piece which evokes a set of lips in the metaverse. Taken with the piece immediately afterword—*Smoke—*together they foreshadow the final piece in the collection (read on to find out).
What will it be? What will it become? A pink computer, a glitc-h-y femini-gure emerg-es.
Oh, hi, a witchy glitchy friend.
Together with our new friend, we are bombarded by images of "hot women." We resist, we question, we mock.
We... find our own little corner.
We put our feet up.
We breathe. In, and out.
We land. Take in where we are. And then make our little corner our own.
The final piece in the collection is #18 was minted exclusively for this collection. It is a combination of women's faces, body parts almost nonsensically put together in this renaissance-style piece. It leaves us feeling jumbled, and yet seen in our full selves. A joint casually hangs from a mouth. A puff of smoke.
Here. Today. In the NFT world. Women are many things. We are creatives, hustlers, and curators. This collection is Rosey Wynn's debut as curator, and the pieces take us on part of her journey into Web3 and the art world. It showcases the mundane, the enraging, and the beautiful. It shows how much women have to offer everyday in the world, and that we are certainly worth more than 5 Tez.
As part of the political statement of the collection: the majority of artists featured in this collection are actually NOT women, and over 75% of the money from this collection (which is about women, mind you) went to men.
Five Tez Feminism is a collection currently hosted at Wynn Gallery. You can view the collection here. Thank you for your support.
Works include:
- Patterns on Mars Surface #26 by tz1csy2EbgeDrrH2KyGw7CUkXJPyTjHr6zKw
- Smoke by Beirxt
- Desktop Punk 6
- dc_38 by drain
- 𝘾𝙮𝙗𝙚𝙧 𝙒𝙞𝙩𝙘𝙝𝙮 by tdhsan
- heart exploder by llobrau
- the finger by domo0x0111
- Sex Bomb by EffectChen
- the lips by domo0x0111
- Male ego #1 by chriso
- Marks on my head by My Cerebral Shock
- SUGAR HIGH by honeyshits
- Breath by tz2SwnkNe7YxaBCNs5X8EvDxj8QMAC1667vw
- #18 by tz1YuvQ9h1amszWsa4gU1pqepSoNjwd5VeZV
Honorable mentions excluded due to price:
- JRDSM by Minta