written by The Dirty Olive
I didn't know WTF an NFT was at first.
In fact, I was hanging out with the OG fxhashers and I remember the day Mark Knoll's SMOLSKULL dropped. It kinda trudged along the first few days. It was 1 tz to mint and I decided to mint a few of them on spec. It was not an instant sell out and neither were any of the other OG mints. The fx website was clunky and not a lot of people knew about it. Shoot, I remember when you had to wait a few minutes just to see what you minted. Humble beginnings. This was before everyone started changing their PFP and Discord Smishcord PFP to the Skull. This was before all that. That was on 11/21. Now look below. 7th highest volume project of all time. I'm really glad it has worked out for everyone. I really am.
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So, Smol Skulls turned out not to be Smol.
But how was I supposed to know? I knew Skulls were a popular focus of art but who could have predicted their meteoric rise? Regardless, the clean art was a hit. Believing the 40, then 50, then 60, then 70 tz floor was transitory, I sent my skulls to the graveyard. SOLD, SOLD, SOLD! Now the floor is 260tz (at time of writing). The agony. But hey, that's NFTs! And NFTs are probably the most volatile space you can be in. Best thing you can do is find something you like and hold it forever.
Fast forward a few weeks (10 years in NFT time).
Well, the ASCII skulls were a hit. Artists like Max Capacity were having huge success with Dos Punks around this time and ASCII art was on fire. You have to admit the little tag on the bottom right of these Skulls makes them all the more enticing, no? These DID sell out pretty quick. As a collector of NFTs I've noticed you can get lucky once. The second time though the degens will be on the scene. I don't think I was able to get one of these off primary. I was hibernating. Can't hibernate on SmolSkulls.
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Well, Grandma is calling me for some Bingo. It's Thursday night. You know what that means.
Below you can find my Bingo boards. I'm locked and loaded. The jackpot is 500 tezzitos. Wish me luck. I'll catch up with you later.