Draft of dreaming - places - process

Draft of dreaming - places - process

written by Nobody

08 Dec 2022260 EDITIONS
0.5 TEZ

Hi! I'm Nobody!

Let me try to write something about this project. When I made "Anaesthesia bridge" I learned how to use particles and saw how Math can be beautiful to make art. Hidden in my head, a possibility grew : Can Math generate more scenarios?

Anaesthesia bridge
Anaesthesia bridge

I was adjusting my last project, revisiting some codes, playing with functions and particles when behind some strange lines I saw a city. So, I decided to clean that canvas. These drafts emerged from these lines like bones in a digging. Calmly and patiently I found some scenarios. Forests, Monoliths, citiess, castles and some Magical places. Every discovery reminds me of some short stories in unfinished books that are being written by me . I remembered the library of unwritten books, in Neil Gaiman's Dreaming, and the circle closed. Based in this a could evaluate, hundred and twenty functions mathematical that shaped the scenarios

Choose Variations, formats and colors

One thing I wanted from the beginning was to use more formats, I defined three and evaluated how interesting the scenarios were. In this process twenty something variations out of possibilities. Evaluating the outputs, I decided to decrease until reaching the current eighty. for the colors I looked for some references from sketches and drawings on paper to evaluate, I kept some palettes from previous projects and I asked for a curation by one of the artists on this platform: Edudux. He gave me his opinion on outputs. I tweaked what he pointed out to make it better.

Merchdes - test output
Merchdes - test output

Code details

One thing about the code I want to share is how I make the particles move using math functions. An example of this to generate Merchdes, the particles walk on the X and Y axis functions as

x=(x*y*y)-Cos(y^x)/y^x and y=-Cos(y/-x^y)

The center of the screen is the base where the X-axis and the Y-axis intersect, particles are randomly distributed, and this particle path made the Draft. Each has its appropriate functions. To clean up bad lines I used their lengths, but with these bad lines I created some grain effects, you can see it using zoom

Deatils of  Merchdes - test output
Deatils of Merchdes - test output

Final result

The fun thing about art is that the whole process of discovering the drafts and exchanging ideas about it added a lot and gave me ideas for future tests, future art and it was cool to see the test outputs. I gave the names of places because I didn't want to limit the possibilities that exists in this process, maybe new Drafts will come up one day. Hope you enjoyed this project.

See you soon!

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