Changing Lunar Fortunes

Changing Lunar Fortunes

written by AGM_xtz

23 Jan 2023122 EDITIONS
No active listing

Collection Purpose

The collection is titled “Changing Lunar Fortunes” as an expression of both the desire for 2023 to be a better year and a wish that this collection can make some small contribution to improving the fortunes of people who have, for whatever reason, found themselves in situations of food insecurity and relying on the foodbank for help. Reports across Canada are that demand at foodbanks has recently been at all-time highs exceeding their expectations and capacity to meet demand. Many of those in situations of food insecurity resulting from inflation in 2022 include those working full-time jobs. Vancouver, where the artist lives, is a city with among the highest disparities between average wages and cost of living in North America, and it has been apparent here that many people are facing difficulties. The Greater Vancouver Foodbank helps many people facing food insecurity to get by, and as a result of their buying power as a large purchaser are able to effectively double the value of any dollar donation made to them.

Read more about the Greater Vancouver Foodbank at

Artist's Personal Experience

My personal experience is closely tied to the collection's purpose, as I struggled with health issues during 2022 and became more aware of how luck and fortune can play a pivotal role in life, and how fragile a person’s circumstances can be. I hope that by creating this collection, I can support an organization that helps keep people afloat and well-fed when they are facing difficult challenges.

The art created for this collection is a product of my fun in exploring AI-assisted art as a new creative outlet since early 2022. The circular centerpieces of each output come from working around prompts for ‘ikigai’ and ‘eudaimonia’, concepts from East and West that both reflect hopeful and aspirational visions of life. It is my wish for the Year of the Rabbit to bring these to our lives and to help those who are experiencing poor fortunes to have a change, with the lunar new year bringing new fortunes to them

Art Components

The collection includes 17 circular centerpieces, which are AI-assisted and selected for the right feel, then edited to fit the design of the collection. The centerpieces are derived from prompts around the concepts of 'ikigai' and 'eudaimonia' and are edited to symbolize lunar change. The collection also includes 12 backgrounds, which are AI-assisted, then edited, and adjusted for shading and to fit the style. There are 6 frames available in red, gold, jade, onyx and 3 variations of 兔年福 (Rabbit Year Fortune) in the bottom right of each piece, which are red, gold, and white. The collection also has 3 shadings - red, dark, and none.

The Drop

Collection Size: 122 pieces (for the date of the Lunar New Year 1/22/2023)

Drop Date: January 26 (day 5 of Lunar New Year, the day for the Money God in Lunar New Year celebrations- a date when offerings made bring good luck for wealth and prosperity in the coming year)

Drop Prices – Dutch Auction, tentatively starting at 168 tez (including physical 8”x8” print for mints at the top price tier) and dropping to a resting price of 8 tez

Donation – 60% of artist’s take donated to Greater Vancouver Foodbank

Highest Resolution – Higher resolution images than possible on fxhash for this drop will be made available on a coming website for this collection within one week of drop. Follow @AGMweb3 for updates.

Note - some details may be updated in the days leading up to the final release date

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