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Aut quas adipisci sed
Est tempora vero facere est placeat tempore quos. Consequatur nam deserunt sint nulla magni recusandae ab autem. Voluptas sed incidunt harum necessitatibus porro enim illo. Ab quam commodi veritatis. Dolor iure esse unde sint. Facere reprehenderit nostrum illo temporibus voluptatibus. Vero sapiente sint culpa. Cum rerum aut et.
suscipit animi hic molestias blanditiis repellendus. Impedit vel est dolor autem et molestias assumenda iste. Nobis laboriosam doloribus iusto omnis eum sunt. Ratione ut omnis consequatur minus. Sapiente eum id dolor modi aut voluptatem eligendi. Voluptatibus sint nihil quibusdam quod accusamus et. Perferendis impedit debitis minima culpa sit omnis fuga. Rerum voluptatem est sit. Iusto pariatur qui doloribus et asperiores. Ex sed ullam perferendis nostrum. Aut quas adipisci sed consequatur explicabo ut.
After Extreme Ways, I decided to take an orthogonal direction with respect to my previous works. I've always been fascinated by Solace (@lunarean) and Hollow (@mrkswcz), two fabulous projects and great platform success... so I decided to try to use the same technique, to use only dots as a drawing medium.
The Cables and Clouds (C&C) project has been published as project #15377 on June 23, 2022. It counts 256 editions.
18 features are given for each edition, they contain the main parameters that influence the final result.
I recommend to use the @zancanfxfam webpage to navigate through the collection while toggling the different features.
Paper, dots and colors
Paper format
There are 5 different paper format : Square (1:1, 30%), Horizontal (3:2, 27%), Vertical (2:3, 33%), Landscape_Horizontal (2:1, 5%) and Landscape_Vertical (1:2, 5%). A border in different sizes can be present (this is not a feature).
In C&C, all the artwork is produced by the presence or absence of a single color dot (in fact the dot is not a circle but a tiny square). There are four different sizes of dots; they appear in the GRAIN feature : Grainy (7%), Coarse (23.5%), Soft (39%) and Delicate (30.5%) from the biggest to smallest.
There are 13 color palettes. A color palette fixes both the paper color and the dot color. Most common is "Paper" (25%) and rarest is "Sanguine" (2.7%). "Paper" is the palette used in the artwork displayed in the "Paper format" section above. All the other color palettes are shown below (ordered by frequency).
Clouds, hills, poles and cables
The number of clouds and hills are chosen independently. The number of poles depends on the number of hills and clouds. For the cables there are different situations. Poles can have only one cable attached or many... and the same with the clouds. It results in different possibilities. The features involved in these different situations are (N_HILLS, N_CLOUDS, N_POLES, N_CABLES)
Feature POLE_TYPE gives the pole style... 94% are simple and only 6% are complex (15/256). They are what you see in them (some see people using the clouds like kites).
All cables follow the physical equation giving their specific shape (the famous "chain equation", containing a hyperbolic cosine and solved using a Newton-Raphson numeric method).
In the rare cases where one cloud is only attached to one cable you can have the chance to have a Complex CABLE_TYPE feature.
It rains in 45% of the C&C. Sometimes dramatic like a storm, or lighter like a delicate spring rain. The wind direction and strength has an effect on the rain direction. On the example below, a strong wind blows from left to right... influencing the rain direction.
A sea is present in 16% of the cases.
Birds are present 42% of the times and come in 3 sizes (Small, Medium, Large). Their number depends on their size. Sometimes one bird can appear in the margin. There is no features for this rare possibility (it was the result of a bug, and I decided to make it happen sometimes).
Only 6 C&C have balloons (with 3 to 6 balloons).
Wind direction
Wind direction can be N-S (51%) or E-W (49%). For N-S, the wind blows forward or backward, the cables have no privileged directions. On the other hand, when the features is E-W it means the wind blows from left to right or right to left... in this situation the cables are all in the same direction.
Wind strength
The last Feature is the Wind Strength with 3 values, Breeze (82%), Gale (9%) and Storm (9%) (in increasing strength). This parameter changes the Cable shape. Cables will appear more straight with strong winds (almost like a straight line for Storm). Wind direction and strength has also on effect on the rain direction (already mentioned in the Rain section).
During the elaboration process, I was posting WorkInProgress pictures regularly. suggested to add red elements... The result was stunning. I immediately included it as a rare features (and awarded a C&C to @Cryptotenor). Finally 22 C&C have the RED feature set to true (8.6%).
2 have Red cables (C&C #86 and #98) and 3 have Red poles (C&C #117, #176 and #177).
17 have Red birds. Among them, 7 have only Red birds, 4 have only 1 Red bird and 6 have a mix of Red and normal birds.
Pressing "h" in Live mode opens a menu.
For printing change the resolution by step 3, 4, 5, etc... (you may reach a limit depending on your system). In principle you can reach very high resolution.
Pressing "c" changes the color palette (artwork does not change).
Pressing "d" lets you enter in debug mode. All the different elements will be highlighted with a specific color (there may be birds in the clouds you have not seen). Cyan : vignetting and texture effect. Grey : clouds. Orange : rain. Purple : cables. Green : poles. Brown : hills. Black with red square : birds.
Balloon festival
For the 6 rare editions containing balloons, pressing "c" to change colors have the side effect to add more balloons (side effect discovered first by @Rich_Poole). This was not intended, it is technically a bug.... and finally a cool feature.
Thanks to the fxhash community and to the C&C collectors. The love that you have demonstrated for this project has been something important to me.
Carousel. fxhash novel by @ragnar_meta. C&C owns by the author are used to highlight the novel ambiance. A must-read for C&C lovers...
Cables and Clouds #185 and #249 have been part of the fxhash curated collection displayed at Art Basel Paris+ event (19-22 october 2022).
Cables and TezPole
During the 2023 Miami Art Basel, a less than average Generative Art display by the Tezos foundation lead to a meme. Everybody was dealing with the infamous poles with lots of cables all around...
To remember this event and participate to the #tezpole moment, I've decided to create a specific artwork called "Cables and TezPole" on
A specific blue colour palette, tons of cables hiding the screens...