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heat death
🔭 Breaking Down lunarean's Heat Death

🔭 Breaking Down lunarean's Heat Death

written by Kaloh

14 Sep 202225 EDITIONS

By Kaloh

Today I’m trying something different. I’ve been saying it would be beneficial to pay more attention to the coding side of gen art, and I found the perfect collection to take the first step.

Lunarean released Heat Death as part of fxhash interactive minting experience at The Ever-Evolving World of Art, Art Basel Hong-Kong, 2022. The code was left unmodified, which means it is open to the public.

Access the code here.

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Heat Death #377 - Picnic palette, Journey mode, Full House, tight and no margins.

Interesting facts:

Five main functions:

Five features: Palette, Mode, Margin, Full House, Tight.

I broke the code into small sections and tried to explain what each part does. I asked lunarean some questions to clear some doubts about his logic and decisions.

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Heat Death #123 - Plum palette, Nest mode, tight and no margins.

Palette Selection

    const PALETTES = [

    { name: "Dust", colors: ["#555555"] },

    { name: "Plum", colors: ["#513B56"] },

    { name: "Picnic", colors: ["#FAFAFA", "#0078BF", "#FF665E", "#FFCB47"] },

    { name: "Home", colors: ["#755B7B", "#77A0A9", "#F2545B", "#555555"] },

    { name: "Home", colors: ["#755B7B", "#77A0A9", "#F2545B", "#555555"] },

    { name: "Calm", colors: ["#447DC2", "#3B668C", "#E08D79", "#204344"] },

    { name: "Calm", colors: ["#447DC2", "#3B668C", "#E08D79", "#204344"] },


    const palette = PALETTES[Math.floor(fxrand() * PALETTES.length)];

Random Seed Initialization

    const seed = Math.floor(fxrand() * 1e9);



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General Setup

    const size = min(windowWidth, windowHeight);

    createCanvas(size, size);

    colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100, 1);


    background(random(6, 10));




Custom Functions Parameters

    // params for calcCircles()

    numAttempts = isFullHouse ? 10000 : 25 * exp(sqrt(random()) * log(5));

    minR = 0.03 * exp(log(3) * sqrt(random()));

    maxR = minR * exp(log(3) * sqrt(random()));

    sdBounds = 0.2 * exp(random(log(2)));

    circleSpacing = isTight ? 1 : exp(sq(random()) * log(2));

    overlapProb = 0.05 * sqrt(random());

    margin = isMargin ? random(0.02, 0.12) : -1;

    // params for drawPoint()

    vignette = random(0.1, 0.5);

    thetaSd = lerp(0.6, 0.9, sq(random())) + (random() < 0.05 ? 0.3 : 0);

    meanBeams = sqrt(random());

    scatterProb = 0.1 * sqrt(random());

    umbraProb = 0.25 * sqrt(sqrt(random()));

    saturationMod = random(0.5, 0.8);

    brightnessMod = random(0.5, 0.8);

    // params for calcTheta()

    journeyNoise = random() < 0.8 ? 3 : 0;

    journeyTheta = (int(random(12)) * TWO_PI) / 12;

    compassSides = random() < 0.8 ? 4 : 6;

    circles = calcCircles();

CalcCircles Function

    function calcCircles() {

        const circles = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < numAttempts; i++) {
            // try to place some near center
            const sd = map(i, 0, 100, 0.1, 0.25);
            const x = i < 100 ? 0.5 + sd * randomGaussian() : random();
            const y = i < 100 ? 0.5 + sd * randomGaussian() : random();
            // perturb bounds so we don't end up with many circles the same size
            let r = maxR * exp(sdBounds * randomGaussian());
            // no overlap with center or edge
            r = min(r, dist(x, y, 0.5, 0.5), x - margin, 1 - margin - x, y - margin, 1 - margin - y);
                circles.map((c) => {
                const skip = r > 0.1 && random() < overlapProb;
                r = skip ? r / 2 : min(r, dist(x, y, c.x, c.y) - c.r * circleSpacing);
            // only keep circle if it's big enough
            if (r > minR * exp(sdBounds * randomGaussian())) {
                const theta = calcTheta(x, y);
                const sc = color(random(palette.colors));
                const pointsLeft = ceil(25000000 * sq(r));
                circles.push({ x, y, r, theta, sc, pointsLeft });

    return shuffle(circles).sort((a, b) => brightness(a.sc) - brightness(b.sc));


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Heat Death #561 - Dust palette, journey mode.

DrawPoint Function

    function drawPoint({ x, y, r, theta, sc }) {

        const numBeams = round(meanBeams * exp(randomGaussian()));
        // choose random chord
        let theta1 = theta + thetaSd * randomGaussian();
        let theta2 = theta + thetaSd * randomGaussian();
        // specks and light beams
        if (random() < 0.05 * numBeams) {
            theta1 = theta2 = 1000 * noise(x, y, int(random(numBeams)));
            // interior beam
            if (random() < 0.1) {
                theta1 *= 2;
        // choose random point on the random chord
        const w = random();
        const isScatter = random() < scatterProb;
        const scatterR = r * (isScatter ? 1 + 0.2 * exp(randomGaussian()) : 1);
        let px = x + scatterR * lerp(cos(theta1), cos(theta2), w);
        let py = y + scatterR * lerp(sin(theta1), sin(theta2), w);
        // smoke warp. add x and y to avoid lining up between circles
        let sa = lerp(noise(4 * px + 1000 * x, 4 * py + 1000 * y, 1), noise(40 * px, 40 * py, 2), 0.1);
        sa = 3 * max(sa - 0.53, 0);
        const ss = 150 * exp(noise(30 * px, 30 * py, 3) - 0.5);
        const [px_, py_] = [px, py];
        px += sa * (noise(ss * px_, ss * py_, 4) - 0.5);
        py += sa * (noise(ss * px_, ss * py_, 5) - 0.5);
        // jump in direction away from light source
        if (random() < umbraProb) {
            const umbraR = random(random(0.15));
            const umbraTheta = calcTheta(px, py) + PI;
            px += umbraR * cos(umbraTheta);
            py += umbraR * sin(umbraTheta);
        px += 0.0001 * randomGaussian();
        py += 0.0001 * randomGaussian();
        // build color
        const edgeDist = min(px, 1 - px, py, 1 - py);
        const vignetteMod = map(constrain(edgeDist, 0, 0.2), 0, 0.2, vignette, 1);
        const s = saturationMod * saturation(sc);
        let b = brightnessMod * vignetteMod * min(30, brightness(sc));
        // blemishes
        b *= 1 + 0.8 * (noise(30 * px, 30 * py, 3) - 0.5);
        fill(color(hue(sc), s, b));
        ellipse(px * width, py * height, 2 * 0.00025 * width, 2 * 0.00025 * height);


“The shading on the planets is something I came up with randomly - and is actually intentionally inaccurate - like not how a sphere would be lit in real life.” — lunarean.

CalcTheta Function

    // direction of light source

    function calcTheta(x, y) {
        if (isJourney) {
            return journeyTheta + journeyNoise * noise(x, y);
        } else if (isCompass) {
            return (int(1000 * noise(1000 * x, 1000 * y)) * TWO_PI) / compassSides;
        return atan2(0.5 - y, 0.5 - x);


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Draw Function

    function draw() {

        for (let i = 0; i < 12000 && circles.length > 0; i++) {
            if (--circles[0].pointsLeft <= 0) {
        if (circles.length === 0) {


I hope this was as useful to read as it was for me to write and learn. I believe there are some fundamental techniques we can all learn from lunarean’s setup. This is also a great way to understand how complex this collection (and many gen art projects) can be. In this case, lunarean did a terrific job keeping the code simple and well structured while using best practices to accomplish optimal performance on many fronts.

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Thanks to lunarean for the fantastic project, for sharing his knowledge, and for making this open source!

This article was originally posted at www.kaloh.xyz - July 23rd, 2022.

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