Artists Need To Eat Too

Artists Need To Eat Too

written by VeryBadAcid

23 May 202325 EDITIONS
No active listing

Guided hallucination 1

Exploring FASSEG and a poorly trained network. Generated as part of my early exploration into neural nes, graphic design & death metal. https://medium.com/@lgndryhappiness/neural-nets-graphic-design-and-death-metal-40d058eb65d1


Nick Fox-Gieg - GridJoe (2016, SVG version)

GridJoe, by Nick Fox-Gieg, a continuous cellular automata piece. This is the official SVG version, released 23 March 2021.


Artificial emotions #3

The artwork was created by AI with StyleGan2. Generative Adversarial Network was trained on portraits of different centuries and authors. Pre-trained .pkl file by @ak92501


cat-person #1780

Generative cat-person.


project name project name project name


Create random composition with sweet color palette like a gelato.

Shape, color and composition inspired by Memphis design


And For My Last Trick...


This last one is obviously intended to be tongue-in-cheek, though not entirely. I registered the domain for the purpose of this article to make the point that NFT's have opened up new ideas for Artists to play with (domains cost 1 tez/year). And play we should! I've lost count the number of times trad-artists and anyone else with an opinion has shouted down others for their experimentation. May I politely remind you that the world is your oyster, and you should feel free to have at it!

As to the works above, I opted to go for generative works as they were catching my attention early on when I'd first collected on Tezos. Nick Fox-Gieg's 'GridJoe' is one of the first generative (SVG) works on Tezos, beaten out by Makio135's 'Magician' just days earlier.

I had previously thought NFT People to be the first PFP collection, until I unearthed the 'cat-person' collection whilst compiling NFT's for this challenge. Who knew.

The rest as they say, is history...

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