Art Appreciation - aprendizajes

Art Appreciation - aprendizajes

written by Jason Paperhand...

31 Aug 2022100 EDITIONS
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Aprendizajes... Learnings.

Nothing I can write will describe the project better than the artist's writeup on his website. The following describes how I personally relate to the project.

I’m a curious person who loves to explore, learn, and adapt.

While attending University near my Californian hometown, something called me to study abroad. After all those years growing up in small town America, I felt I needed to shake the snow-globe of my mind and travel. I ended up in South Korea, China, and Brazil for a total of about two years. I had an amazing time building relationships with people from all over the world, building self-awareness, and listening to the perspective of others.

On Learning Another Language

Marcelo writes about learning another language in the aprendizajes project writeup. In my experience, learning another language shows respect to people who speak that language and allows you to understand and relate with more people on earth.

“Learn a new language because other people, as equally important and respectable as you are, speak not your mother tongue.”

On Being Wrong

He writes further about how being wrong and making mistakes are part of a learning process.

“The act of learning comes hand in hand with the need to be wrong..... there is no chance of learning more and progressing without the friction of being wrong.”

Being wrong is something I’ve feared, and that’s likely motivated me to not take certain chances in life. My ego wants to be right, and I can feel it flare up when I fail at something, or consider undertaking a task where I might not find success. I've recognized this, and am working on embracing being wrong.

“Life itself is an act of trying out something new, yet many of us remain wary of the unknown, just because it is unknown. However, embracing the mistake, the possibility of not being wrong as an experience to learn from, is essential. Inspecting what didn't work as expected, reflecting on it, being able to act on it and change”

How do we react to making mistakes? Are we discouraged or motivated? The good news is we have the ability to control our response to mistakes.

In Gratitude

To me, aprendizajes is a reminder to learn voraciously; to give 100% effort to my learning process, and that mistakes are an integral part of that process. It’s also about having humility and understanding the perspective of others.

“Mistakes open doors that are difficult to locate otherwise, and oftentimes would remain invisible.”

Thank you, Marcelo, for your creative expression.

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