About: ∞ Infinite shapes of infinity ∞
written by josemiguel.tez
Some background
I've graduated from the National University of Arts of my native country (Venezuela) in the speciality of New Media Arts in around 2012. For that time my creative approach to coding was with Flash interactive animations coded with Action Script 2.0 (So old fashion!!). Later I developed a few interactive projects with some coding in javascript. (Projects that were best known at that time as Net Art pieces) and since then I've worked more on the contemporary art practices that involve theory production, videoart, performance, video installations, drawings and animations. Briefly and thanks to a friend and co-student I learned a bit of creative digital + physical interaction with Arduino and the old java based Processing language (that .p5 try to replicate with javascript). With that background I embraced the mission to learn to code with .p5 this year, motivated by the creation of this platform within the cryptoart space and its creative possibilities based on Tezos blockchain.
About the creative process of ∞ Infinite Shapes of Infinity ∞
First, I was trying to emulate the waving movement of a flag (for another project that´s in development right now) But when I tested the SIN and COS functions with a line, the shape of the infinite symbol (∞) came to mind. So I entered into a detour of my first goal, and decide to keep working with this symbol, adding more lines, centering the composition and blending colors.
The combinations of colors in motion created this kynetic effect that was widely explored by canonical modern artists of my country like Jesús Soto, Carlos Cruz Diez and Alejandro Otero. Even if this obvious reference to the kynetic artists was not my intention and not within my interest, the result was beautiful and hypnotic compositions that I couldn't stop seeing, so this connection cannot be ignored, neither the power of this kind of "retinal art" (Duchamp dixit).
Then I remembered that kynetic art not only represent a rationalistic, neutral and mathematical approach to the abstract formalism of visual arts, but it's also connected with the meditation geometrical patterns created by different native cultures around the world. So there's a mystical understanding of this kind of visual patterns that is more profound that the one that only see just beautiful and decorative compositions for the living room of wealthy collectors.
That's the meaningful approach I decided to take to keep working on this sketch till its final result. For this reason I like to think of each iteration as a meditative tool for the viewer.
I'm very happy with the result and the fact that is my first generative art piece fully coded from scratch on .p5. This gave me the hope to keep getting better and better in the skill of creative coding and hopefully develop a body of work more related to my interests in the field of contemporary art that explores the relation between art, technology and society, now with the complexities related to coding, cryptoart, nft's and the blockchain based art.
There's still iterations available to mint. So, dear reader I invite you to take a look and maybe mint one or two ∞ Infinite shapes of infinity ∞.