A meaning for life
written by jaam
Since childhood, I have lived in different cities, I have lived in several houses, and this gave me more opportunities to get to know other cultures and environments. As a teenager, I experienced a more stable life over time, but I still wanted to gain new experiences. An incident in my teenage years had a great impact on me, one day when I was returning from school, I passed by a building under construction, and at that moment, an iron beam landed right in front of me. At that moment, I was one step away from death. I felt death closer than ever. I thought about death for a long time. And that I might die at that moment.
But one issue kept making me think, and that is, what is this life? Why do we live? What is the meaning of this life? These questions bothered me, and maybe it was to find these questions that i studied psychology at the university.
My questions increased, I looked at the world around me and saw people who were just alive without a purpose and meaning for their lives, but they did not live. Throughout history, mankind experiences the most facilities and prosperity at this time, and despite the advancement of technology, human is still suffering and has not found a meaning for his life.
Why should we look for a meaning in life?
First, let's answer the question of what is the necessity of this issue. When I think deeply, I see that life is full of suffering and hardships, just like it is part of the plan of this world. Friedrich Nietzsche says that a person who has a reason to live can cope with any problem and situation. When human has a meaning for life, he solves problems more easily, lives happier and more usefully, and basically becomes what he should be. The artist creates meaningful and purposeful arts, and we are less afraid of death.
The search for meaning
With my interest in psychology, I got acquainted with existentialism and Dr. Frankel’s logo therapy and read the book Man in Search of Meaning. I started reading the poems of Rumi and Hafez and I became more eager to find a meaning for life. I realized that I have a passion for helping and creating. It makes me feel alive and useful. I feel that my existence in this world is not in vain. I have written two ISC articles on mental health so far, and realized how much mental health can help us be better. And even now, when I create art, I try to include psychological concepts in them and i am more interested in my audience having their own impression of my paintings. Since I am a psychologist, I like to give positive energy to my audience.
How to find meaning in life?
Dr. Frankel introduces 3 ways to find meaning 1- By doing something worthwhile 2- By experiencing a great value like love 3- Tolerating the sufferings of life with patience. The meaning of everyone's life is different and this is the path that everyone should follow. And the meaning of life is a mental experience, maybe it cannot be described by words. After you find a meaning and a purpose for your life, you gradually see the change in your mind. And you see the world and even your work from another aspect.
I hope that reading this text was useful for you and that it is a start to find answers to the what and why of your life. And in the hope that we will have a world full of peace and tranquility. I would be happy to hear your comments.