5TezCollection: Pathfinder Finds

5TezCollection: Pathfinder Finds

written by danielleking.te...

21 May 202325 EDITIONS


My goal for this collection was to collect pieces that moved me and would look cohesive and beautiful together in a gallery. I aimed to collect across multiple mediums and was able to collect long-form generative art, AI art, digital paintings, and a gif / pixel art piece.


I used ClubNFT’s Pathfinder discovery tool (https://app.clubnft.com/discover) to find all the pieces. In this article for Right Click Save (https://www.rightclicksave.com/article/pathfinder-and-the-new-logic-of-nft-collecting), Nick Hladek explains how the tool works:

“(Pathfinder) is designed to surface NFT recommendations for any valid Tezos wallet address, or combination of addresses. It works by identifying collectors with similar preferences to the entered wallets and surfacing recommendations from those collections. The tool is designed to select artists that have not recently been collected by the entered wallets, thus providing users entering their personal addresses with artists that they may not already be aware of, or at least have not collected from recently. Price, edition, and marketplace filters can be used to further refine the results to the user’s preferences.”

For the #5Tezcollection challenge, I set the Price range from 0 - 2 Tez and shuffled through a bunch of times to find works that resonated with me. I also mixed it up a bit later on, by adding wallet addresses for collectors I admire - such as Artnome, Clownvamp, and Kapstone – to see what results those wallets would return.


The first piece I collected was this gorgeous abstract piece “Turn off the lava lamp before you leave” by Gaspard de la Guerre. The luscious colors and medley of textures were so arresting, and the price could not be beat: .19 Tez!

Next, I found this stunning digital painting “Cuprum” by Ali Chevalier – again, the bright colors and incredible textures drew me in, and I knew it would look amazing next to Gaspard’s piece in my gallery. Another bargain: .30 Tez.

AI-assisted art is a great love of mine, and the next piece I collected was a dynamic and fascinating work by Paiperdoll titled “Pose #5” from their series “Advanced Yoga Man(ual).” Only .50 Tez!

I could not resist collecting this wonderful pixel art gif by Gio Mariani, “little joys” – whimsical with a hint of sinister…scooped from the secondary for .70 Tez.

Pathfinder then surfaced a very cool piece by an artist that was new to me: “AI_C8.6” by sam / sb3. The work was made using AI, but it reminded me of a degraded Polaroid photo. I had a pack of Polaroid film years that somehow got messed up, and when I used it, crazy colored streaks came out. Not beautiful as this work though! Another steal, at just .80 Tez.

My next find was an abstract piece titled “Colors of Life 02” by Lena Ekert. Despite its bright colors, I found it calming and soothing…Collected for 1.60 Tez.

My final two pieces are from fxhash, both found by Pathfinder and purchased from the secondary. The first, APERITIVO #191, by Quentin Hocde, bewitched me with its quirky color palette. Just .50 Tez!

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The final piece I collected, “Petri 1500 #139” by Macintosh, had a similarly fascinating color palette, and I loved the layering and the organic vibe. A total deal at just .33 Tez.

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My "#5TezCollection: Pathfinder Finds" gallery with links can be found here: https://gallery.so/DanielleKing/galleries/2Q3eDvnXJfAkAHlywshOawaehNz

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