( r e c o m b i n a t i o n / p e r s p e c t i v e s ) - I: Horizons
written by HAL09999
Contexts, systems and modalities
A usual introduction for giving details about a work is to state « It all started when... », but given the current discussion it's only possible to give details about some steps in the process.
With Univercell, Antilepton Factory and Neu(t)rons/Spacetime fabric the focus was on emphasizing the visual and physical similarities between phenomenons that occur on vastly different scales.
By generating particles configurations with the same physics it was easy to obtain shapes that could evoke biological and astronomical phenomenons at the same time.
To animate these experiments a technique of storing particles configurations in the memory was used, and many morphing algorithms were applied to create state transitions between the different particles configurations emanating from the same set of deterministic parameters.
Beginning 2023 the decision was made to focus on a different topic : intriguing and mysterious phenomenons described by general relativity and quantum physics like wave-particle duality, wavefunction collapse, quantum decoherence, quantum entanglement, locality principle, etc...
These published experiments were well welcomed by enthusiastic and curious collectors. 🧡This gave some energy to go further and study the philosophical and artistic implications of such experiments. Here's a list of these experiments with links, I encourage the reader to go and look for the metadata descriptions as there are more details there.
Étude « Perspective on wave-particle duality »
See the full video here : https://objkt.com/asset/KT1BCCP8EmYmHFVDnhjAFzMkJELfniePk2sU/132
Étude « Exploring the quantum superposition of states by riding a wave »
See the full video here : https://objkt.com/asset/KT1BCCP8EmYmHFVDnhjAFzMkJELfniePk2sU/133
« Energy levels decomposition » - Étude [e1ac0d4-100457]
« Approaching the Planck limit » - Étude [cbd84a5-180206]
« Non-perturbative trip through quantum states » - Etude [7255b65-N8h4Ngdu]
See the full video here : https://objkt.com/asset/KT1BCCP8EmYmHFVDnhjAFzMkJELfniePk2sU/140
The need to explore and learn more was strong. During the research I stumbled upon this 2015 paper from A. Auffèves and P. Grangier : « Contexts, Systems and Modalities: a new ontology for quantum mechanics » which can be found here and which I recommend the reading.
There are lots of philosophical perspectives on the understanding and implications of the phenomenons that occur at the quantum level and seems to defy our knowledge of the world.
Using the same set of algorithms I experimented more and began to connect the dots...
We all lived, live and will live in the same Minkowski cone
Spacetime diagrams and causality
Those who are interested by understanding spacetime often use what are called spacetime diagrams, also known as Minkowski diagrams. These diagrams are simply projections of events on a plane whose axes are space and time.
This specific representation of events, and the belief that the speed of light is unsurpassable allows to define a specific region of spacetime for all the events that can be connected by causality — the fact that an event in the present has a cause somewhere in the past.
This spacetime cone explains that all events outside of the cone can't be causally related to events inside the cone. Why ? Because if two events were causally related, one inside the cone, and one outside the cone, would mean the information that links them would have traveled faster than light which is by our current understanding of spacetime, not feasible.
Yet, quantum mechanics describe phenomena that seems to defy the causality, specialists talk about « nonlocality » for a class of phenomena like entanglement and action at distance.
Special experiments like the historical test of Bell's inequalities by Alain Aspect's, Kim's and Willer's delayed choice quantum eraser and others have shown that the universe is deeply intricated from the beginings of time.
Entangled horizons
« Interconnectedness is real. » —
who would doubt it ?
Past experiments emphasized on the fact that all matter in the universe has the same origin and that we're all made of stardust.
- « Neu(t)rons / Spacetime fabric » : https://www.fxhash.xyz/article/neu(t)rons-spacetime-fabric
- « Antilepton Factory » : https://www.fxhash.xyz/article/antilepton-factory
- « Univercell » : https://www.fxhash.xyz/article/univercell
The same dust evolves and recombinates since 13 billion years to form all what we can and can't observe: stars, cells, rocks, black holes and black coffee.
Projection / Perspectives
Old philosophical theories agree : there are multiple ways of acquiring knowledge about the world that we are part of. It can be intuition, cognition, perception...but usually it's a mix as it's difficult to envision these means alone.
Perception: it's a well-known fact that our senses can induce some illusions. Vision is a powerful sense but as all optical illusions suggest, it's a very intellectual process.
Disserting about the HORIZON is a way of probing the limits of our perception.
These limits are in fact pretty cool cause it means we all share the same spacetime physical horizon even if we look in different directions.
The same phenomenon appears completely different when seen from different angles. It's quite fun to imagine that perspective actually bends what we see whereas light rays travel along straight lines.
This article comes with the first part of the « ( r e c o m b i n a t i o n / p e r s p e c t i v e s ) » series.
In the next articles we'll discuss more about other topics that are deeply rooted in these experiments and their links with the generative and determistic processes : equirectangular and other projections, synchronicity and the emergence of concepts.
( r e c o m b i n a t i o n / p e r s p e c t i v e s ) — I : H o r i z o n s
This live animation is designed to be experienced fullscreen on a 16/9 screen at least full HD, and needs a recent (>2015) graphic card (GPU) to run smoothly at its cruise speed of 60FPS.
Click "project" then "open" to see the live version in full window, or click HERE.
project name project name project name
- Unlimited duration animation (randomized cinematic sequences parameters)
- Written in JavaScript and GLSL
- Uses WebGL thanks to the excellent three.js library
- More than 2.5 millions particles
- Unique generative, random and determinist animation (animation is seeded by the fxhash mint hash)
- An infinity of initial conditions leading to an infinity of possible outputs ( ℵ ω)
- Animation sequences duration between 6 and 60 seconds.
- Dynamic point size (best fit for wide 16/9-16/10 screens), supports up to 8K+ .
- Keyboard " Space " : take a PNG capture of the current view frame (same ratio as window, max 1920x1080)
- Keyboard " X " : skip current animation sequence / next sequence
URL modifiers
- "&fastdemo=on" : Forces animation sequences to last 10 seconds instead of random durations.
- "&slow=on" : Forces animation sequences to last 1 minute instead of random durations.
- "&static=on" : Disables animation automatic start. Press "X" to start animations.
Preview capture samples
Please enjoy these 64 premint variations of the static capture ✨
I hope you enjoy this experience ! 🧡
📡 You can contact me on fxhash discord or Twitter DM for any question or request.
[ Follow @HAL09999 on Twitter / Follow hal09999.tez on objkt ]