conceptual art
Look. at. yourself. Conceptual Generative Project or The Token Is Broken

Look. at. yourself. Conceptual Generative Project or The Token Is Broken

written by m5alien

05 Nov 202255 EDITIONS

"The idea becomes the machine that makes the art." - Sol LeWitt

Look. at. yourself. Conceptual Generative Project

"Look. at. yourself. You are the central figure of the work of art!" - @m5alien

Look. at. yourself. conceptual generative art project where the power of gen art lies in the idea's beauty. This is a visually perfect artwork with no visual. There is only a reflection of the viewer as an artistic image. The project is a new step in the artist's exploration of the territory of the artist, the viewer and the algorithm co-authorship; it invites the spectator to another dimension, where he becomes the central figure in the joint being created work of art.

Co-authorship takes place at three levels: visual, actual and algorithmic.

Visual level. This is the space of the artist, where she uses the viewer’s reflection to create an artistic image.

project name project name project name

Actual level. This is the viewer's area; each edition in the collection is a living piece that exists when the viewer looks at it.

Algorithmic level. The generative algorithm creates a unique art capsule with certain parameters for each iteration: loop duration, aspect ratio, orientation, frame rate, and the epistle*. All this data after minting can be seen in the section 'Features'.

Features section example
Features section example

*The epistle is the vibe of the artwork; a dialogue between the artist and the viewer under the direction of a generative algorithm.

Epistle options embedded in the code
Epistle options embedded in the code

The collection contains 105 editions, they are visible as reserved (artist's reserve). In the first year after the release, as many editions will be open for collectors as the age of the artist. Further, each year of the artist's life will be marked by the unlocking of one artwork.

The Token Is Broken (project history)

The project was born in 2020 and has gained hundreds of thousands of views (self-views 😉) and received many media publications.

But something was missing...

In 2021, the unsurpassed @fx_hash_ appeared and by the middle of 2022, the conceptual Look. at. yourself. acquired a new dimension - generative one.

The idea is unchanged: the viewer as a piece of art, and his reflection is an artistic image! But now there is even more personalization: the collector, with the help of a generative algorithm, creates a unique art capsule of the artwork.

Soon... The collection received a red flag and a peremptory message: the token is broken.

A promising start has been made!

UPD: On December 15, the collection moved to a new home and now lives at m5alien. conceptual generative art.

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