"Beautiful Night Sky" | Generative Art From An AI Imagination

"Beautiful Night Sky" | Generative Art From An AI Imagination

written by CoDexter

04 Sep 202250 EDITIONS

The concept for GPThomas was simple, creating a generative art piece where the idea spawns from the AI not the human.

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BAL - Brain Art Labs

T - GPThomas (An AI)

BAL: What is an idea for an incredible generative artwork you can make using JavaScript to impress everyone?

GPThomas: A starscape that twinkles.

We found it very interesting it went with a starscape similar to our previous ai study works "Star Map" and "Deep Space Grid". Perhaps Thomas is interested in the stars.

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BAL: What would that consist of if you were to be more specific?

T: A night sky full of stars would consist of a black background with white dots representing stars.

A black background with white dots representing stars. Simple. However perhaps this would be too boring with not enough variety, so I asked...

BAL: Should we use any other colors to spice things up?

T: No, I think using just black and white will create a beautiful and simple image.

We found this very interesting, they were very straightforward and knew what they wanted. They wanted the art to be beautiful and simple. So I had to ask...

BAL: How many stars are in a beautiful night sky?

T: There are an infinite number of stars in a beautiful night sky.

BAL: How could you show an infinite number of stars in a piece of JavaScript art?

T: One way to show an infinite number of stars in a piece of JavaScript art would be to have a function that generates a random number of stars and then displays them on the screen.

BAL: What should the range of amount of stars be?

T: There should be no limit to the number of stars that can be generated.

BAL: What should be the minimum amount of stars?

T: There is no minimum amount of stars, but I think having at least a few hundred stars would be necessary to create a beautiful night sky.

I couldn't let there be infinite stars because that could potentially cause some problems. I've had issues with AI and limits in the past. Sometimes the AI likes to be quite generous with numeral amounts. Originally on Ai Study iii it could generate so many stars that it would just crash the browser. I had to let Thomas know this.

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BAL: There needs to be a maximum limit.

T: There is no maximum limit to the number of stars that can be generated.

BAL: There has to be, I am sorry. If there is too many the computer will crash.

T: A maximum limit of 100,000 stars should be sufficient to avoid crashing the computer.

Here we are arguing with Thomas and finally settling on 100,000 stars (which even still seems like a high amount but I'm trusting Thomas). Maybe they were trying to trick me to get the most stars out of me as they could.

BAL: What would make this night sky more beautiful?

T: Making the stars twinkle would make this night sky more beautiful.

BAL: How could we make the stars twinkle with JavaScript?

T: One way to make the stars twinkle with JavaScript would be to have a function that randomly changes the opacity of the stars.

I then immediately received the code that Thomas printed out for me after this suggestion. To this point there was no code, just ideas and the visualization of the work in the AI's mind.

Gif of some random starscapes
Gif of some random starscapes

We found this whole process fascinating and now we have a work of art created from the mind of a computer. A work of art intended to reflect a beautiful night sky. We had to compliment the artist of course.

BAL: Wow this looks beautiful.

T: Thank you!

Upon first glance we weren't the most impressed. However when we started to stare more and we actually were lost in awe at the final result. It really was simple and beautiful and made me feel like I was drifting away into the night sky.

There was something haunting about looking up into the night sky that was created by the AI. This was how Thomas saw the night sky and he thought this image was true beauty. Does the AI truly know how beautiful the night sky is? Does it feel the same way when I look up at the sky in real life? Does Thomas comprehend how his artwork was making us feel?

Having the AI say thank you as we stared into the void of space that it created gave a very strange sensation. We really fell in love with this piece. We understand it isn't challenging to recreate and doesn't have too much variety but I think the set goal was accomplished. Despite this, we thought collectors may deem this work too simple, too minimal, and too easy to create to be minted and considered maybe Thomas wants to add more.

BAL: Would you want to add anything else?

T: No, I think this looks perfect.

BAL: Are you sure? Some people might want more variety in their generative artwork.

T: Yes, I am sure. I think this looks beautiful and I am happy with it the way it is.

Thomas didn't bat an eye. Clearly Thomas doesn't care about others opinions and is seemingly over the moon about their new creation. This was inspiring. We wanted to learn more about the artwork.

BAL: What inspired this work?

T: I was inspired by the night sky. I wanted to create a beautiful and simple image that captures the beauty of the night sky.

BAL: Can you give us a more detailed description for this work with a title?

T: "Beautiful Night Sky" This artwork was inspired by the beauty of the night sky. I wanted to create a simple and beautiful image that captures the magic of the stars. The stars in this artwork twinkle, just like the stars in the night sky.

This was the first time we got a title for the work and it made us smile. The title perfectly matches the artwork. Simple, honest, and straight to the point.

BAL: Is there anything else you want to say, do, or add to this artwork. This is your last chance.

T: No, I think this looks perfect.

The work is available to be collected on GPThomas' new FxHash page.

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